Thursday, November 02, 2006

The New Guys Heartcry!

The Room

In the Room you’re never alone
Lots of people are with you
You live in a family Home
Personal privacy is a thing of the past
Who cares any way unity will last
The room has no more space
With a “Please knock!” on the door
I gotta get my P&P by 4:00
“Who wants to go out” they say
“Winning souls that will last
We are getting low on funds anyway
And we know you’ll have a blast”
Come on it’s your turn now
Go ahead and sweep the floor
Put away your laundry
Or on your rest day you’ll have moooooore

(New guys singing)
But I want to see, I want to feel
I heard the wind blowin',
Don't tell me it isn't real
I'll climb out the window
If you won't open the door
I'll do anything
I know there's got to be more
There's got to be more

Hey there new guy
Who just arrived today
Don't fret yourself about
Where your gunna’ stay
Well find you some room
Maybe on the floor
Our quadruple bunk just broke
We don't have any more
As we build your bed
Let’s listen to the new CD
It’s Vas’ greatest
He can scream in harmonyyyyyyy

(Paraphrased by Jesse O'Connor)


Ruth Cortejos said...


Nyx Martinez said...

Oh my God thats not really your room is it????

Gabe Rucker said...

Thankfully, it's not.

Nyx Martinez said...

Ah, ok....I was gettin freaked that they might still have Homes like that.

CurlyCel said...

LOL - such talent! :D

Impetuous Lady said...

Too good! *applauses* heheh
I used to like sleeping on the floor tho' (on a mattress that is...)


Anonymous said...

Humdinger MAN!!!!!!!
I liked the pic of Jesse!

Jamie said...

Hahahaha - too good!! Only the best from Jesse. :)

Gabe Rucker said...

Hey Jamie, the music video is on its way!

Anonymous said...

hey there humdinger who are you?
this is Jesse himself by the way

Anonymous said...

That's the coolest Boys' Room I've ever seen.
