Monday, December 18, 2006


I was just told that I am innocuous.

Although I don't’ see that at all, maybe that’s what I am striving for.

Thank you Jesus for helping me make changes in my life.


Anonymous said...

This is what the IS (infostore) dictionary says under innocuous -
1 that does not injure or harm; harmless [an innocuous insect]
2 not controversial, offensive, or stimulating; dull and uninspiring [an innocuous speech]

... hope you are not striving for the last part! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

What does being innocuous have to do with a blender?

CurlyCel said...

I was wondering the same thing - what's with the blender?

Anonymous said...

ha ha see, I wasn't the only one who wondered!

Gabe Rucker said...

The blender was the first thing that came to mind as an opposite to innocuous when I first read the definition.

Impetuous Lady said...

The blender did puzzle me...glad that the comments helped clarify...hehe!

Impetuous Lady said...

And oh, I think that this was the first time I heard the word 'innocuous' being used as an adjective to describe a 'innocuous person'...hmmmmmmm?