Thursday, March 22, 2007

Scorpion Slayer

Jade amazes me so often. She is such a little girl yet can be so tough and resilient.

The other day she was playing on the porch and I was in the dinning room keeping an eye on her she started jumping around and freaking out the way she does when she has fire ants on her. So she comes running in the house hands me her shoe and asks me to “take off the scorpion”.

I was like, “Ok, let me see. No babe, there’s no scorpion just a little bit of mud, but I’ll wash it off for you!” “NO! Dad there was a scorpion!” she kept saying.

I got into talking with someone else about how it’s too cold and wet right now for scorpions so it was probably just some other bug that she scared off.

She finally said, “Come see daddy I’ll show you!” So we all trudge out to the porch to see what she’s talking about. After looking around for a minute sure enough we found a huge scorpion that she had killed. She must have stepped on it in all her frantic dancing to get it off her foot!

She’s not only is a scorpion slayer but a smart and funny little girl also. We were roughhousing during parent time and she stops the game and states; “Dad, you’re an ugly monster!” To which I replied, “Since you’re my daughter what does that make you?” “A beautiful monster!!” -she says!


Ali said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a precious girl. I miss her so much. I love those close up pictures of her.

Anonymous said...

That bottom pic looks like a newspaper clipping. Where was that taken?

Rosita said...

She's certainly got those Scorpio eyes like her Mommy... so cute!

Gabe Rucker said...

Miss B.,
That last pic is one of those machine drawings from Gattiland, like the one of you and Adrian on your bed side table. I thought you could have this one of Jade and I to round out the collection!

Anonymous said...

That is SUCH a beautiful picture of Jade.
The kids loved the story about her killing the scorpion but were a bit sad about the lack of dead scorpion carcass pics! ...boys! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and...Jade does have very beautiful eyes....but they always reminded me more of yours, Gabe :)

Victoria said...

awwww she is so cute, just adorable. Kid's really do say the funniest things ha!

Anonymous said...

that last pic is so nice, your smile is beautiful, and jade is so cute

whacky said...

You have beautiful kids... you are blessed!