Sunday, May 27, 2007

This n' That

Okay, the past two days have been full! Every Saturday we have one of our main food pickups followed by a weekly food giveaway in a poor neighborhood close to where we live. Added to the normal distribution, we had 500 kilos of Maseca (corn flour) from one of our donors. Here is a photo of some of the kids carrying off their prize.

After that I started the long trip up to the States for a visa trip. Normally I make the 17 hr drive in one day but due to traveling alone the Lord told me to do it in two! So I spent the night in Tampico. Thanks to the home there that received me.

The Tampico Home

Since I usually do the trip in one day here is a beach I had never seen as it's always dark when I pass this spot.

The beach at the town of Boca Andrea with a population of 23...

A bus parked in the river...gotta love Mexico! Sorry it's not very clear, I took the photo while driving accross a bridge so I am surprised it's even visable.

This is a shot of my driver side mirror showing the line behind me at the US-Mexico international bridge with the Mexican flag in the background.

I arrived safely at my destination and tomorrow I see my kids. I will sleep soundly tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice trip. I love driving through countries. Too bad I could join you. Hohum! (Mind starts wandering....)Ha! Have a good trip and I hope you have a great time with your kids.