Sunday, December 02, 2007

HB2Y Jade

My dear baby Jade is turning 4 today, won't be able to call her my baby much longer. She already corrects me when I call her that stating that she's "a big girl!" She is my heart and soul, my reason for being who I am. I want to be the best person I can so that she will always be proud to call me her dad. Jade I love you! I hope you have a happy birthday and that the Lord does some amazing things for you. You are my Treasure!!


Anjie said...

So precious!! Love that last pic with her hugging the PG mom. She's adorable Gabe.

Anonymous said...

I want you to have a good time and hope you have a good trip. We are praying for you, Daddy!
Daddy, when are you going to come back again?
Daddy I love you! I want you to call me baby!

Jason said...

Happy birthday Jade
Your such a cuite
Your uncle Jason

The Wump said...

Oh gosh, she's so big...
Happy Birthday Jade, and're a terrific daddy.
Lots of love, xxx