Sunday, January 13, 2008

Income vs. Expenses

If your outgo is more then your income then your upkeep will be your downfall.


Wild Flower said...

Hmmm....that was quite a day out singing.

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading your blog from the begining.
I know alot of people read this, but I have to ask, Why no birthday post for Sam, is it that you don't care. Or is he not one of the recconised ten. If you don't respond you can e-mail me at my lastname followed by my first Your one time compadre GHOULL.
P.s. love the pics of Jade and Adrian.
p.p.s. please contact me as Idon't want a strained relationship, what you did was a true sample of christianity, have been reading the book of John and wow. please write. all my love Ghoull

Anonymous said...

Man that must have been one hell of an after singing party. Is that amount in USD or is it in pesos being your in Mex?

Gabe Rucker said...

One time compadre?? Dude we are compadres for life. I love you too man. Sorry, I didn't think we had a strained relationship as the times I have seen you and hung out have been great. Glad to hear your reading the book of's the foundation man! As for Sam, of course I care, he was my brother. Seeing that this is a public blog that I have only had for about a year and a half I have highlighted events that have happened since then. I prefer to cherish his memory as it is as oppossed to how it could have been. I will be writing you more in an email about this.

Gabe Rucker said...

Yes it's in pesos. Although the party was great that night I know for a fact that that home didn't drink it at one time...see the beer was on sale too good a deal to pass up so they bought them out but it will last them months. I even got a case from them as a Christmas gift! Thanks C&N for that!

Impetuous Lady said...

Hahaha...loved the Stats/Finance sheet and the beer expense looked just about right...

It's really hard to pass up alcohol sales...I should know...because I still buy stuff even when I won't be able to drink it for the next few month. ;)