I have never really held to the belief that Valentines is "for couples!" Even when I was married or had a girlfriend we always tried to reach out to those around us to make everyone feel good that day. As the evening went on tonight and I saw different posts or heard from different friends the way their day went or about the "not so great" day they had it saddened me as I wish I had done more for others today.
Some people really expect to "get something" on Valentines Day and are disappointed when they don't. I would venture to say though that if all the energy spent on pining over "lost love," "unreciprocated love" "what we missed out on" was spent on looking for someone to make happy or something nice to do for someone else everyone would have a great day!
And like Cel pointed out, the call it "Friendship Day" here in Mexico, so it truly is for everyone! Be happy and give someone a hug!
Oh so sad - I hope no one was too distressed. :(
The best way to be happy is to make others happy, and the same goes for love. I know at our place we had a GREAT day - Shelly had "love is in the air" on her skype and it was so true, it was a love-filled day for all. - And people were doing stuff for everyone, it was so sweet! That's what makes it so fun!
It's so true. I never had very high expectations from Valentines Day (probably because I'm still sort of young, I guess) and relished the opportunity to do sneaky chocolatey things for other people more than I concentrated on wondering who I would get things from. It's a mindset that I am lucky to have been born with, I suppose, but I think anyone can make the switch with a little resolve. There's so much in the effort to make others feel loved that teaches you about how to appreciate the love that you are blessed to be a part of.
Lots of love!!
I can just see it now…everyone running around doing things for people, and getting their exercise in the process.
I am most truly honored to have you visit my blog and find it worth a comment. Hey maybe I will get famous now. ;)
Ha! So silly. I'm not a very good blog-commenter, since it appears that nowadays it helps to have a little inside joke to make the comment worthwhile, and I don't have many of those. Just a little bit of sincere love that spills over now and then.
I agree, it's silly to make one day out of the year get you down. Valentine is a love day & in the Family it is one of the things we all have in some form.
I had a few sad friends too so I posted a link to my sisters' posts for that day. They are hilarious, so if you need cheer go there:
Close your eyes, open your arms... now squeeze... (HUG)
Miss you man...
I agree 100% with your post. I wonder if the commercialism of V. day is creeping into the Family the way the commercialism of Christmas has. I think it's fun to celebrate holidays for what they really mean, do fun stuff with your home members and your kids and be open to the giving of chocolates every day of the year. ;)
oh wow my comment made no sense.
Nonsense!! You are a great blog-commenter, I have followed the things you said on varied post scattered throughout the blog community. From what I have seen they were all good points and more often then not with a “wisdom that surpasses age!” Witty banter, inside jokes, the quick quip and perceived knowledge are not necessary for comments. I agree that it’s the sincerity that “spills over,” that’s what makes it worth it.
Just Blowing By,
Thanks for the link…made for some fun reading.
(I closed my eyes…opened my arms…yuck…what did I just step in….)
Hug right back at ya!
Your comment makes perfect sense. I do agree, Society has capitalized on the commercialism of things like Valentines Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter to the point the original reasons for these day’s has been lost. I also agree with you when you say that this commercialism is creeping into the Family. It seems every Christmas gets more expensive, every birthday gets bigger and the gifts all get less practical. Don’t get me wrong I am not against gift giving and having a good party so long as love and concern for others are the driving factor for us in the Family. Thanks for your comment and perspective, it’s always refreshing!
Thanks everyone for commenting. I really wasn’t expecting this kind of exchange. I found a great blog post on Ali’s blog with a legend as to a possible origin of Valentines Day! Check it out…
In Brazil there is not such thing as "Valentines". Of course since in the Family we are an international group, I'm aware of the date, but here we celebrate more like "lovers day" at June 12th. I guess the meaning is a little different then in English. Too bad! Anyway...gonna check out these links. I'm glad you had a good day, Gabe. That cactus is awesome. I love original gifts!
Oh, by the way, I'm really into chocolate!
Wild Flower,
Thanks for the comment. Here that's what Valentines day is "Lover's Day" it doesn't surprise me that it's on a different day, you guys have winter in July...oh now that would be fun!
Big hug though for any day!
Yes, I feel Valentine's Day is about love, and "no greater love hath any man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends", which we do each and everyday for each other, or at least we try.
One our sheep came over on Valentine's Day and brought a small box of Godiva Chocolates for every member of the Home with a small note saying, "I'm so thankful for your friendship". I told him "You've got a heart of gold" and he said, "I've learned that from all of you". So sweet!
Correction...sorry. I'm NOT really into chocolate! tying mistake...
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