Monday, April 07, 2008

I love...

...a women in a towel.


Just Blowing By said...

So do I! I love pull towels off men as well!!! ;D

thisisme said...

Hmmm... women in towels... amen to that, bro!

Anjie said...

I have to agree with "Just blowing by".. Nothing beats a man in a towel either. there's nothing better to life then when he tosses it off him and jumps in bed with you, or in the shower with you, or even just gets it yanked off you! I LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

ah i agree with it all.

btw i think you meant to write *woman* (two might be too much for you to handle...snicker snicker)

GeminiSide said...

Complete nakedness works well too!!