Yup, that's what happened to the window on my van.
I spent the evening with my brother Eli who is working in town. I went over to his hotel and we had a nice chicken salad dinner and then watched a movie. at about 10 pm I came out to the van to drive home and BAM... found out that I had been robbed.
Now this it the part where you start looking around the car to see whats missing and so far everything was there. They even left the Ipod right on the front seat with shattered glass all around it. Originally the Ipod was on the floor between the two front seats so it was out of sight, which made me wonder why they left it on the seat. So I kept looking trying to find out what they took. Low and behold the GPS was gone... and alas it was borrowed. What an experience.
So we talked to the front desk and they told us the story of what happened as pieced together by security video footage and an eye witness account.
The thief was attempting to pop the lock and accidentally broke the window, the noise got the attention of another hotel guest in the parking lot and asked what the thief was doing he grabbed the GPS and took off not looking for anything else and pulled the Ipod (which was plugged into the same charger) up onto the seat as he was making his getaway. The guest reported it to the front desk and they called the police.
So by the time I came down the police were just arriving and when we found out the GPS was the target the police cautioned me explaining that thief's target GPS units, not for what they are worth but to get the HOME address listed in the GPS and then they go rob that house knowing that you are not there.
I explained to the cop that if this thief tries that he would be biting off more than he could chew, since the GPS was borrowed the home address is not mine and everyone in that house packs heat. I wouldn't want to mess with those folks. I pray the thief is not that stupid.
But then whose the stupid one? I think I must be for having left the GPS visible...