Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Babes List....

.....for those rejoining the Fam is now over 130 ML long. So many good letters on that list to get you back to the basics of fundamental Family beliefs. Just what I needed as a refresher course after spending 1 1/2 years out. I started the list on June 14th and finished it yesterday, August 7th. I am so glad that titles don't really mean much when we look at each other the way the Lord does and that being FD, MM, FM or AM doesn't define us as to what kind of person we are. It is cool though being able to say to people, "I'm a BABE!" and it actually be true...for now at least!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gabe, glad to see you back in the race. Titles don't matter but that we be found faithful not sucessful. Well, done thou good and faithful....

We love you,

Katrina and Dan

Anonymous said...

Hey Gabe
So glad you can come back. I really admire you & have so many good memories with you. You are one of my
favorite people in the whole world.
I pray our pathes cross again soon.

Gabe Rucker said...

Thanks for the encouragement.