Thursday, November 16, 2006



Ruth Cortejos said...


Anonymous said...

This your daydream Gabe?

It's a scream!...You really do manage to find some crazy things...

Dan said...

Dude if I ever tried whipping out a remote like that I'm most certain to get a fresh one across the kisser (in the negative sense).

Nyx Martinez said...

Hahahhaa....that's hillarious!!'s fantasies, I swear....

Victoria said...

That is so's great,lol think you could find one like that for men????

Anonymous said...

What's PMS off? Is it "Pull My Shoes off"? From:

Gabe Rucker said...

Pull My Shoes Off! Tha's great, it could work for that. LOL!
I am praying for you Niel!

Boo ya said...

hahahahh god i loved it, wouldnt i t be cool if we had the same thing for men???

Anonymous said...

hahaha...yeah we should create one for the would be far more complex than that one, especially the "I want" section... ;-P

Anonymous said...

Am I sensing sexism?!?!