Friday, February 23, 2007

10 Years Back...

These two pics are from my 1997!
The top one was my wallpaper and avitar pic.
And yes, the photo below is me!


Elizabeth Amber Martiny said...

Oh the memories that pic of you brings back. Hmmmm! It looked better pulled back, but that is deffinitly how I remembered you. Those were interesting days!

Miss B said...

I remember that zero city wallpaper, ha.

CurlyCel said...

You're brave, Gabe. - Very brave! :P

Victoria said...

hahaha scary...thats all I have to say...

Anonymous said...

Umm...well funny things do happen :)

Gabe Rucker said...

Yes Amber, I did usually wear it pulled back, but everyone needs to be able to let thier hair least when you have it.

Miss B. You have a good memory, at least you can't tease me about the hair.

Cel, you call me was just at your that was brave!

Vixy, I not scary anymore!

Robyn you know that I have done funnier things....shhh...don't tell anyone!