Wednesday, April 18, 2007

HB2Y Shelly

(Shelly is in the middle.)

Happy Birthday!!

It seems like I have known you for ages, even though it hasn’t been but a little over a year. But in that short time we have shared friendship, cheesecake and Smirnoff. You always have a positive thing to say and know how to talk to people making them feel like they are the only thing that matters at that moment. May you never lose that gift. If you ever need anything just let me know!!


Titan Builder said...

A sweet Babe and pretty much the best little home manager we’ve got. Love Ya tons Shelly

Anonymous said...

i dont deserve this, Gabe...i'm all bashful about this attention and love..thanks for the sweet sweetness. I loved hanging out when you were here and we will definitely do it again..this time the cheesecake and Smirnoff is on me (wink)xxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Shel. Miss talking to you and wish I could go to WS this year to catch up. Best wishes for the new year. Love you.

Gabe Rucker said...

Hey Titan Builder,
Nice to see you around...didn't know you visted my blog. Got our wireless sorted out, thanks for your help!