Thursday, July 05, 2007

Circus on the 4th of July

Yesterday on the 4th of July Haven, the kids and I with Aunt Wendy (Haven’s Aunt) went to Barnum and Baileys Greatest show on Earth circus. Hmmm????? I don’t know if I would say it is or not…but we did have fun so here’s some photos and a video clip. The quality is not great as we were seated quite far from the ring.

After the circus we were all hungry so we had dinner at The Red Lobster. Haven enjoyed this huge drink...Haven what was it called? I forgot...


Anonymous said...

That was a fun day.

That drink was called, "Alotta Colada"...a big Pina Colada, basically. Was big, and yummy, but the alcohol content was minimal. So I don't think drinking all of that affected me...don't you think, Gabe? Heh.

CrazyGurl said...

Jade looks so sneaky in those pictures... =D

Nyx Martinez said...

Fun, I've always wanted to see Barnum and Baileys...!

Gabe Rucker said...

Miss B,
No I don't think that drinking that affected you...much...but I did drive home...(wink)

Crazy Gurl,
Yes she can be sneaky at times.

I had always wanted to see them also. They are famous for thier three ring circus of which we got one ring...the kids loved it but there were lots of other people there who were really disapointed. I enjoyed it though.

Anonymous said...

Haven looks so good in these pics. I especially like the one of her with the kids. I love nice pics of Moms with their kids!

The Revig said...

they look thrilled...

Jaz, Clare and Dune said...
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Anonymous said...

I was dissapointed. I've seen Mexican Circuses that were better