Wednesday, September 05, 2007

HB2Y Jessica Elena

Jessica Elena, you are a very bad girl...LOL! I was looking through the MO site for a photo of you to post and found not one single one. How does someone as nice as you manage to keep all your photos private? (That's not a trick I have gotten along with you since we met and have seen you go through a lot and you have seen me go through a lot. Sometimes neighbors can be closer to you then those who even live in your own home. Thanks neighbor for always being there. I hope you have a great New Year and that the changes the Lord is doing in your lives will be wonderful. will be so far away. Big Hugs and a great big hello to your man for me.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday jessica! love you

Rosita said...

OMG... Jessica! What a big girl you've become.

(If you don't remember me that's okay. Lived with you in your younger years! xox!)

Jaz, Clare and Dune said...

Happy Birthday Jess!!! Lot's of love from a fellow virgo :o)