Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl

The Patriots went 16-0 to lose the Super Bowl, a disapointing game was made fun by great company and good snacks at the local sports bar. Long live the Mannings!
Danny, Perla and I

Nachos, Chicken Strips and Buffalo Wings


Wild Flower said...

OK, Gabe, this is like the first time you post food I actually like...

Anonymous said...

Did you actually think that the pats would win. I put all my money on the Giants and walked away a winner.The game itself was quite boring until the last five minutes. take care bro the original baldo.

Gabe Rucker said...

Hey Bro,
It's not that I had expected them to win more then hoped they would. But I am happy for the Giants and glad you walked away a winner. It ws nice to see Eli Manning play the way he did. I only caught the second half but was glad to have missed the first hearing how boring it was.

Gabe Rucker said...

Wild Flower,
The first time? Like ever???? I mean I know you don't like the mushrooms... but like nothing else you liked or thought looked interesting and good? Not one?

Oh well more for me....LOL!

Wild Flower said... I went through your older "food" post and I guess I did find some appetizing dishes. I have to admit that it was "less then more", but this wasn't the ONLY one I liked. heh heh...

CurlyCel said...

We watched the game last night (downloaded it) as we couldn't stop everything to watch it Sunday (oh well), but this post gave it away! DUDE! Oh well...I guess I knew who won, but in the end it actually made the game more fun as the guys here were all rooting for the Giants (those of us who knew, not the guys, didn't give it away), so it was fun to watch the first half knowing that the Giants would make up for it. ;)

Babylove said...

I'm sorry I have to disagree w/ this being the first interesting food post here. Gabe seems to have an eye for the yummy. I think he likes bold/manly/colorful/alive food types. Ever since that bolt-blue plate of eggs & papaya, I look forward to Gabe's foodie posts & yet somehow feel a little spiteful when I see them.
Can't get no satisfaction like those Nachos ne-where @ here.