In the past three days I have had visitors to this blog from 27 different countries I would like to ask anyone who visits here to leave a comment as to how much the price of a liter of gas is in your country, as I would like to get an idea on global gas prices. You don't have to leave your name, you can comment as anon as long as you let us know what country you are leaving the price of gas for. Thanks so much.
I think this is the first poll on this blog :)
Looking on line, the cheapest price for a liter of gas in Italy is over $2. - Times that by 4 - you get at least 8 or 9 US$...maybe eventually the US will start using vehicles that aren't gas guzzlers. ;)
We pay between $1 - $1.10 per liter here in Jordan.
Wow, Cel you guys pay a lot in Italy. I agree with you the US needs more fuel efficent vehicles. That's why I drive a truck from Japan. ;)
Americans Have always been spoiled, cheap gas, food, bills etc... Finally people might start to learn how to save.
Maryland USA today we payed $4.23 per gallon
Here in India we pay for how many sets of feet to pull the rickshaw faster. What's gas anywas?
haha i loved that one about india! high five. in california it fluctuates but recently its been around 3.70 or so, and mexico is maybe two points something. better buy gas in mexico!! :D
Paying $4.49 right now! Ouch!
It's 170 yen per liter in Japan.
In some western euro countries gas is at 8.7 dollars the gallon.
So Japan is paying $1.60 a liter...
Looks like Italy is the most expensive place for gas with over $2 a liter.
Thanks everyone for your input! If anyone else wants to add a new country it would still be cool to know.
Croatia it goes for 9.50 Kunas per liter. Don't knoe the exchange rate.
I'm out of Mexico and in Zagreb right now.
Love, StepCTC
9.5 Kuna = $2.03 USD so that's about $8 a US gallon, or roughly $2 a liter.
we're paying about 175 ISK per litre. That's about $2.15
And diesel is even more expensive than that!
Croatia, here it is pushing 9 bucks a gal, Slovenia is a few cents cheaper, Serbia gets it cheaper from Russia, but I will not know how much till I visit and have to tank up there next week. Here is an interesting list, though it is more outdated by every day. http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/01/news/international/usgas_price/index.htm
America has it rather light except the amounts you have to go to get anywhere, and pulling those big riggs behind you out of comfort and habit has gotta hurt the average man, your Isusu is still rather big for Europe, though everyone is getting SUVs here despite the gas prices.
We're paying close to $&.50 US for a gallon of diesel here in Ukraine
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