Friday, August 21, 2009

New JuJu Pics...

... yes we now have a nick name for Julian, it is Juju. The first Ju is from his name and the second one is from him being born in June. Here are the latest photos of him.

Eeyore makes me laugh.

Will it fit...?

I box you... I will...

Ha, I was just kidding...


Gala said...

how do you pronounce his name? is it like you pronounce first half of "June" word or "Who" word? Is it Julian and JuJu or is it Hulian and HuHu???

ambie said...

Juju huh? That's Judes nickname as well :)

Gabe Rucker said...

Julian and Juju would be like ... Hmmm..."dzhulian" and "dzhudzhu" so none of this "huhu" or "yuyu" stuff okay? Ha!

That's so cool... You're so cool!

gala said...

ha-ha, okay, Gabe, I promise no "huhu" or "yuyu" stuff any more :-)...i was asking because someone told me that's how it would be pronounced in Spanish-speaking country. No offense here :-)
Lots of love to JUJU and all!

Nyx Martinez said...

Hey Gabe, Fun to read your updates...but..."Juju" means, like, "Witchcraft" in some parts of Africa :(

Gabe Rucker said...

Wow, thanks for telling us. If we ever go to some parts of Africa I guess we will have to use "Huhu", that will make Gala happy. Ha.