Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dinner 4 three.

Last night Cristina and I had dinner with my brother and I wanted to get some photos up for those of you who miss my food posts. ;) My bro, Eli made this whole dinner on a BBQ grill.

Lamb, with pepper and mushroom shish ka bobs, grilled squash, zucchini and asparagus along with Greek salad.

My beer of choice, Red Hooks Long Hammer IPA


Anjie said...

OH Man! I did miss out. That looks so delicious... and to think....

Babylove said...

Ahhh, that looks like the work of a genius. TOo bad that peppers are like 3.00$ for one here. NO kidding! Lamb? That's one huge chunk of lamb! Looks good, keep the foodie pics coming!

Wild Flower said...

hmmm...the lamb looks OK, but the rest...sorry!