Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Thought – Active Noise

Have you ever noticed that in the heat of the moment good noise can be quite the aphrodisiac?
Here's an interesting article I ran across about some monkeys and noise....quite funny! Click Here to read it!


Wild Flower said...

Ok...hmmm...I think someone has been having lots of time in their hand for interesting reading. I hope your back heals up soon, Gabe.

Just Blowing By said...

So yea, I read this article & I gain so much knowledge from it! I finally discover why I am still childless, minus the fact I am not a monkey & don't date monkeys.
I did learn a lot about aphrodisiacs though, namely that Spanish Fly is not one, it's toxic, so yea, I will be more careful on taking that. LOL!
Seriously, thanks Gabe I am more knowledgeable then I was yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Hey I thought this was an interesting article. I don't know if it can be applied to humans or not. Maybe they should condunct a study on it. I missed the "aphrodisiac" link the first time around, didn't notice it till the comment about it! Gabe how do you come up with these combinations of things??? Got me laughing and educated at the same time. Rhino horns????

Anjie said...

WOW!! Talk about laughs.. That totally made my night. So funny! Just reading the title of the article and I was laughing.. HA! Wonder if that works with human males as well? :D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I laughed so hard. That monkey's facial expression just really does the trick.

Anonymous said...

You know, I thought the spanish fly thing was interesting because Peruvian ceviche is also supposed to be an aphrodesiac... and it's also very spicy. So cheers to burning, swelling sensations in the urinary tract. The more the merrier!

Impetuous Lady said...

What lengths we humans go to to achieve uh...sexual pleasure...(was stumped on trying to find a word that would not be too erotically graphic as I wanted to keep in step with the general "educated" feeling that I'm experiencing) Thanks Gabe for that...

And oh, I liked appetizers...but even though they are not scientifically proven to be an all-desired aphrodisiac...I will be passing them on to the nearest male I can find...

...that is until I can get the thought out of my head of what they are supposed to look like... :P

Anonymous said...

as far as the monkeys go, I think it is also true of humans. In my experience when the girl starts being loud it makes me even more excited. Funny stuff none the less. Where do find this stuff?
-your big littler brother and the original baldo.